Transform RoundyFi into a Live Tesla Stock Monitoring Device

Transform RoundyFi into a Live Tesla Stock Monitoring Device

In this blog we'll learn how to monitor live Tesla Stock on RoundyFi, 

RoundyFi Introduction

RoundyFi is an ESP-12E MCU capable of running at 80 or 160MHz with built-in support for 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi. The ESP-12E is particularly praised for its efficiency and ease of use. 

Lets get started:

  1. Download and install Arduino IDE
  2. Open Arduino IDEInstall Arduino IDE
  3. Now install Esp8266 board, for this go to file -> preferences Now install Esp8266 board, for this go to file -> preferences

   * Paste two urls,in 'additional board manager urls'

   It should look like this 
![Alt text](/images/img8.png)

   * Now install ESP8266 board, go tools -> boards -> board managerNow install ESP8266 board, go tools -> boards -> board manager

   * Write ESP8266 in search bar  Write ESP8266 in search bar

* Lets, check boards are install or not, go to tools -> boardsLets, check boards are install or not, go to tools -> boards

  1. Now go to sketch -> include library -> manage libraries   Now go to sketch -> include library -> manage libraries
  2. Install all libraries which is mention belowInstall all libraries which is mention belowInstall all libraries which is mention below
  3. Choose Port and ESP8266 board from board managerChoose Port and ESP8266 board from board manager
  4. Load the .INO File

open the .ino file in the /RoundyStockMonitor Directory. then simply upload the code and run the program by powering on the Roundy Fi

 As a network is not found it should go into Acsess point mode and look like thisRoundyStockMonitor Directory

 Then search for a network called Monitor and connect using the password 123456789 or the one displayed

Then go to the ip address shown on the screen and configure it to the local internet. 

Transform RoundyFi into Live Tesla Stock Monitoring Device Transform RoundyFi into Live Tesla Stock Monitoring Device

Once it has rebooted it should automatically connect and start showing stock data. For future configuration press the button at the back and it would show its current information


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