The Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express is a compact and powerful microcontroller board featuring Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and native USB support, powered by the nRF52840 chipset. It combines an Arduino-compatible platform with BLE, built-in USB, and battery charging capabilities, making it a great choice for both wired and wireless projects. This board is perfect for Bluetooth-based applications, portable projects, or even for running CircuitPython out of the box.
The nRF52840 chip on this board boasts an impressive 1MB of flash and 256KB of SRAM, offering four times the memory of the previous nRF52832, and twice the flash memory compared to its predecessor. It’s based on an ARM Cortex-M4F processor running at 64 MHz, with hardware floating point support, ensuring smooth and fast operation.
Key Features:
- 1MB Flash and 256KB SRAM
- Native USB support with a pre-programmed UF2 bootloader
- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 2.4GHz radio, compatible with smartphones and tablets (iOS and Android)
- TinyUSB support for communication as UART, HID, Mass Storage, and MIDI
- Built-in USB bootloader for easy drag-and-drop programming or serial programming
- Battery Charging: Includes a connector for 3.7V Lithium Polymer batteries (battery not included) with built-in charging
- 21 GPIO pins, including 6 analog inputs, up to 12 PWM outputs
- Hardware SPI, I2C, UART, and I2S support on any pins
- NeoPixel for status feedback and a red LED for general purpose use
- SWD connector for debugging and advanced use
- Pre-programmed with Arduino IDE support and CircuitPython (with available example code for quick start)
This board also includes an extra user switch for additional control (e.g., triggering OTA updates), and 2MB of QSPI Flash for storing files when using CircuitPython. It features TinyUSB for handling USB communication directly and efficiently.
Dimensions & Other Details:
- Size: 2.0" x 0.9" x 0.28" (51mm x 23mm x 7.2mm)
- Weight: 6 grams
- Mounting Holes: 4 for easy integration
- Power Pin: Can be powered via MicroUSB or LiPo battery
- Reset Button: For easy reboot
- FCC/IC/TELEC certified module: For compliance with global wireless standards
The Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express is designed for simplicity, allowing you to quickly prototype projects using Arduino or CircuitPython. The Bluetooth Low Energy module makes it ideal for mobile-connected projects, including IoT applications, wearables, and interactive devices. With a built-in bootloader, you can easily load your code and start testing your projects without needing any special software.
Perfect for wireless communication with mobile devices, and offering all the necessary features to jumpstart your next BLE project.