Introduction of Raspberry Pi Projects and Products Made On It!

Introduction of Raspberry Pi Projects and Products Made On It!

Undoubtedly, Raspberry Pi is more versatile and easy-to-use credit card size computer which is basically developed to make tech learning easier for the kids and schools. During its development, it was not assumed by the hobbyists and programmers that they will use this tiny computer as a central device in their projects. Today, it has become a supreme option for any type of project or hobby where size, cost, and power are limitations. A human mind contains never-ending ideas and imaginations and it is proved by the Raspberry Pi enthusiasts who have started a plethora of projects on Raspberry Pi. Wondering for what kinds of projects it is used for?

Here are some cool projects that you must go through that will let you know where you can use Raspberry Pi and how to explore them.

  • Robot Controller
  • Retro gaming machine
  • Minecraft game server
  • Stop motion camera
  • FM radio station
  • Time-lapse camera
  • Motion capture security system
  • Digital photo frame
  • Home automation
  • To create a tweet bot
  • Media center
  • Traffic Lighting System
  • Motor Shield
  • Led Cube
  • Gsm Module

Raspberry Pi is a great platform for Tech enthusiasts/students/beginners/researchers to explore it their way. What makes it more special it is easy to use apps, affordability and compact size that makes it easy to handle and use it anywhere. Today people are doing lots of experiments on it & making some really cool stuff which is actually helpful in STEM Education and gives you the liberty to explore it further.

These projects on Pi are really helpful in learning programming languages like PHP, Python,  C/C++ and a lot more. Playful learning is considered the best learning and this is where Pi Based learning or projects take an edge over the other tech-based projects. One can play with these projects their way and learn a lot or try their hands on different languages and projects.

Some of the projects on Raspberry Pi are listed below. These Products are helpful for makers, students, children and tech enthusiasts to explore them and find opportunities.

Projects on Raspberry Pi

So, let’s take a quick glance at some of Pi based projects with a brief description:

  1. SMS based Home Automation:

Do you want to make your home smarter? Now you can control your home appliances by just sending the SMS using your phone. PiTalk is a 3G GSM Module to handle the incoming messages and PiRelay is a relay module for Raspberry Pi controls your home appliances. You just need to connect your PiTalk and PiRelay to Raspberry Pi to make your home appliances smarter.

  • Components Required:


  1. Surveillance Robotic Car:

We have seen many robots in movies. But you can make your own robots and by attaching camera into it, we can easily make a surveillance robot. We just need a motor driver board i.e. Motor Shield. Motor shield gives you access to control up to 4 DC motors and 2 Stepper Motors.

  • Components required:
  • Motor Shield: DC and Stepper motor driver for Raspberry Pi
  • Camera: Raspberry Pi camera

       3. Dancing LED Lights:

    You can make dancing lights using PiCube. Three Dimensional LED Cube gives you access to learn how to play with LED. You can make any patterns by using your programming skills.

    • Components required:
    • Intelligent Traffic light system

    Do you want to learn how Traffic lights works or you want to make it more intelligent? Now you can make your own intelligent traffic light using PiTraffic. Make your traffic management system and learn to programme to control traffic lights.

    Components required:

        Right source to buy?

        Are you planning to begin your new project and finding the products for it? Rely on SB Components Ltd as it is an ideal destination to buy the best products without placing any burden on your pocket. The Company is offering a vast range of products that range from accessories to stylish and robust Raspberry Pi Cases, Raspberry Pi 3 Cases for your elegant Raspberry Pi. In addition to this, SB components is specialized in designing bespoke cases as well as our team can handle electronic component projects. So, explore the website to choose the product of your choice that you can buy by placing your order online.


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