Pico Breadboard Kit
Breadboard for pico
Breadboard kit for Pico
Breadboard for Pico

Pico Breadboard Learning Kit

£17.99 GBP

Raspberry Pi Pico Breadboard Kit is a multi-purpose Kit that consists of a “400 points half-size breadboard” on top,  a Programmable Buzzer, 4 Programmable LEDs, 4 Push buttons, and dedicated 5V, 3v3,...

Pico Breadboard Learning Kit Pico Breadboard Learning Kit
£17.99 GBP
Raspberry Pi Pico H Raspberry Pi Pico H - without Header
£3.59 GBP
Subtotal: £21.58 GBP

Raspberry Pi Pico Breadboard Kit is a multi-purpose Kit that consists of a “400 points half-size breadboard” on top,  a Programmable Buzzer, 4 Programmable LEDs, 4 Push buttons, and dedicated 5V, 3v3, and GND pins at a single place. SB Components developed Raspberry Pi Pico Breadboard Kit with advanced features like independently controllable LEDs, Switches, a 400 points half-size breadboard that helps the user to prototype their projects with Raspberry Pi Pico in an efficient way. 

Raspberry Pi Pico Breadboard Kit can be interfaced with Raspberry Pi Pico from which a user can run electronics experiments, prototypes, mini robots, games, interact with Linux-ready Raspberry Pi, Exploration of circuits, etc. One can also connect external components with the breadboard provided on the top of the Raspberry Pi Pico Breadboard Kit.Pico Breadboard kitPico Breadboard kit featuresRaspberry Pi Pico Breadboard kit specifiactionsraspberry Pi Pico Breadboard Kit SpecifiactionsRaspberry Pi Pico Breadboard kit ApplciationsRaspberry Pi Pico Breadboard ApplicationsPico Breadboard KitPico Breadboard kitBreadboard kit for Raspberry Pi Pico BoardPico Breadboard kitPico Breadboard Kit Learning ResourcesPico breadboard Kit Learning Resources

Pico Kit Content

Note: No Raspberry Pi Pico Board Included. Buy Now 

Pico Breadboard Kit Video

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Tim Allison
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Likes: Compact but full of potential
Improvements: n/a
Like a TARDIS, small outside but large inside.

Always wanted a project with lots to do, this fills that role admirably. An extensive suite all in one place.

Richard King
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)

Great tool to learn about Pico

John Williams
It’s ok

A few more short female to female jumper wires included wouldn’t go amiss as they appear difficult to get hold of, also GPIO labelling isn’t great

Richard Kalm
Great for Pico projects

Very nice setup for prototyping Pico projects. Nice to have buttons, LEDs and a buzzer already set up.

Rainer H.
Pico Breadboard Kit?

I have not received one.