GPIO Expansion for Raspberry Pi Pico
GPIO expansion Board for Raspberry Pi Pico
Raspberry Pi Pico GPIO Expansion Board
PiCo GPIO Expansion
Expansion Board for Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico GPIO Expansion Board

£5.99 GBP

Raspberry Pi Pico GPIO Expansion Board is an expansion board to break out all the pins and power of the Raspberry Pi Pico board via two ways(male or female header). It allows...

GPIO Expansion for Raspberry Pi Pico Raspberry Pi Pico GPIO Expansion Board
£5.99 GBP
Raspberry Pi Pico H Raspberry Pi Pico H - without Header
£3.59 GBP
Subtotal: £9.58 GBP

Raspberry Pi Pico GPIO Expansion Board is an expansion board to break out all the pins and power of the Raspberry Pi Pico board via two ways(male or female header). It allows the user to connect it to other components with the help of a jumper wire.

SB Components designed the Raspberry Pi Pico GPIO Expansion Board to enhance the learning experience for the user. It would help users to develop the projects based on their ideas with the utilization of Raspberry Pi Pico.Pico GPIO Expansion

raspberry Pi pico compatiblityRaspberry Pi Pico GPIO ExpansionRaspberry Pi PiCo BoardRaspberry Pi Pico board SpecificationsRaspberry Pi Pico SpecificationsRaspberry Pi Pico GPIO Expansion BoardRaspberry Pi Pico GPIO Expansion BoardPico GPIO Expansion boardPico GPIO Expansion Board

Note: No Raspberry Pi Pico Board Included 

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