Boom:Bit is a music player based on micro:bit that works as a speaker for micro:bit. micro:bit has built a separate space among the people in the era of modern computers. SB Components Introduced Boom:Bit in the market to enhance the qualities of micro:bit by adding speakers and a 3.5mm audio jack that can be screwed onto the 3 pins of the micro:bit board (GND, GPIO:0, and 3v).
About Boom:Bit
Boom:Bit is equipped with the headphones supportable 3.5mm jack with In-built speakers. A user can also blink the LED of the Boom:Bit based on the audio that can allow the users to perform numerous task connected to the audio. One of the advanced features that SB Components added in the Boom:Bit is the volume controller that let the users to control the volume as per their requirement.
Powerful Components of Boom:Bit
SB Components has a goal to make everybody get knowledge of programming and hardware. The research and development team of SB Components understand the part to educate more people about programming and hardware that is why they chose powerful components for the Boom:Bit so that people can do various things from the use of Boom:Bit. It consists of a powerful speaker with a 3.5mm jack with the design to easily stack the micro:bit on its header. It is developed for a big landscape of sound and music compatibility.
A person can program Boom:Bit as per their requirement to create a variety of projects with their creativity. A lot of people might get the query that “how they would run the Boom:Bit if they do not have the knowledge about the programming language?” You do not have to stress about this. SB Components provide development resources and manuals that would help a person to perform tasks with Boom:Bit. The best part is, one can use the “drag and drop” feature to control behaviour of Boom:Bit as per their requirement. One can also check online official tutorial to understand the basics of programming with micro:bit.
Simple connections
It is being taken care of while developing Boom:Bit that the assembly of the Boom:Bit should be easy. A user can connect Boom:Bit with the micro:bit easily. One need to connect the micro:bit via the GPIO pins with the Boom:Bit by the help of screws.
Launched on Kickstarter
We have launched Boom:Bit on Kickstarter for which we need support from the people. You can "Pre-Book Boom:Bit on Kickstarter and we will deliver Boom:Bit from January 2021 onwards". This is the time you can buy Boom:Bit to learn programming while having fun with the music.
Pre-Buy Boom:Bit - Music Player based on micro:bit
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